What is the role of training centersin IAS preparation?
This is an age old question which most of the candidates askfrequently. As we all know, the exams administered by UPSC are the mostchallenging as the topics and questions of IAS exam are balanced on various topics which are relevant globally and nationally. Due to the extensive IAS exam schedule, the participating candidates must follow additional study guides and teaching methods to score the best marks in the exam. However it cannot be denied that respected students living in remote areas of India clear this exam every year without any support from training centers. But this philosophy doesn't always work, as coaching helps aspirants in terms of stable GC, communication skills and problem-solving skills, which are required of IAS exam.
Here we mention themajor role of coaching institutes in UPSC IAS exam preparation. Read on to findout.
Role of TrainingCenters in IAS Exam Preparation
Many IAS applicants opt for online learning methods for UPSCexam preparation. But getting self-employed is not as easy as it seems and soonjob seekers realize that they cannot complete the task online and switch to IAS career training institutes.
Important Features Of IAS Coaching Institutes
In this article, we will cover some of the importantfeatures of IAS coaching institutes
1. Support for Structured Completion of Training
There is no exception when you are preparing for CivilServices. A complete preparation plan requires systematic planning to start thepreparation and covers all the aspects related to the exam like syllabus, review preparation time, answer writing practice etc.
IAS exam consists of three parts: Preliminary, Main andInterview. Each section has its own meaning for passing the exam, and theteachers of major IAS training institutes try to systematically follow the common exam syllabus. The professional tutors at the best IAS training centers can also help applicants work on their personalized training needs that fit their study schedule.
2. It Stimulates Motivation
IAS exam requires complete dedication and focus from thestudents. A good IAS training institute provides lucrative strategies to keepstudents interested in exam preparation modules. At the institute, the professionals always work with inspiring energy and ensure that their students stay updated with the latest news and world events.
3. Prepare the Right Study Material
There are so many study materials, books, notes and papersamples in the market that each one of them often gets lost in the sea ofmaterial. Finding the most effective sources for completing a resume isn't easy. And by the time we get to the bottom of the problem, you must have wasted a lot of time in prolonging the preparation. This is one of the areas where IAS training schools are very smart.
They make sure to start the IAS preparation and continue itbased on what is important for the exam. It is important to know what to lookfor and what not to look for, and IAS training institutes work the same way. Apart from this, they also provide suitable IAS exam study material to cover the entire syllabus on time.
4. Cultivate a spirit of competition
When a candidate enrolls in an IAS training school, he getsmany deserving candidates from different walks of life who are striving for thesame goal. And it helps students to compare their skills with other applicants. When you study alone, you may get the wrong idea about your curriculum and outline, but when you are under the roof of classes of 50+ students, you get an idea of the level of competition.The training is helpful in the sense that it gives you the necessary fighting spirit before the IAS exam.
5. Conscious Techniques for Curriculum Study
With many years of experience, IAS instructors can figureout the best ways to complete a major part of the syllabus on time. Here,students will get an opportunity to get acquainted with short tricks that will help them to quickly master the exam schedule and thus give more time for testing and correction. Institute